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Name: Selene

Race: Vampire

Class: Rogue

Clan: Toreador


Age: 350 (Looks 25-30)

Height: 6’1”

Weight: 175 lbs



 Immortality: Vampires don't age past the point from when they were turned and are thus unable to die from old age.


Enhanced Strength: Vampires have above-average strength. Easily able to throw a full-grown human across a room or fling them into a wall, breaking it. They can even match a werewolf in combat.


Enhanced Speed: Vampires are able to move extremely quickly, appearing as a blur. Some vampires can move so fast, making it seem as if they're able to teleport.


Enhanced Durability: Vampires are able to shrug off mortal wounds that would kill a normal human. 


Enhanced Senses: Vampires have heightened senses, including enhanced hearing, smell and the ability to see in the dark.


Flight: Vampires can levitate off the ground and fly unassisted.


Hypnosis: Vampires possess a form of mind control through eye-contact and verbal commands. They can compel their victims to follow orders or erase their memories.


Shapeshifting: Vampires can transform into different animal forms, such as bats or canines.


Regenerative Healing Factor: A vampire's body will heal quickly when wounded.


Wall Crawling: A vampire can climb walls without the use of tools or any kind of equipment.


Vapor Form: Vampires are able to turn into vapor, often done in order to pass under doors or as an alternative to their bat form.


Triple Jumping: Vampires can high jump three times and on the third time, jump far higher than before.


Psy Vamp: An energy vampire who drains your emotional and mental energy through their interactions with you. Usually, you feel exhausted, frustrated, or emotionally drained after interacting with them.


Rogue: Thief like reflexes, pick pocketing, lock picking, supreme sneak abilities, rogues who prefer to think of themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers, delvers, and investigators. In addition to improving her agility and stealth, she learns skills useful for delving into ancient ruins, reading unfamiliar languages, and using magic items she normally couldn't employ.


Beefed up Hypnotic abilities: she had Hypnotic abilities as a human, and when she was turned, her abilities were amplified ten fold by the usual vampiric hypnotic abilities. 


Two weapon fighting style: Selene normally carries a lavish yet razor sharp elven twin blade on her hip and a lavish yet equally sharp dagger hidden on her belt she also carries 5-8 throwing daggers one of which is attached to very strong twine that she is able to throw and retract from her wrist the twine can extend up to 20 ft. Selene also knows a fighting style called the Tango style, this fighting style looks more like a deadly dance, and is filled with lots of twists and spins that end in throwing knives and quick slashes and jabs with her dagger. This is the fighting style she uses when surrounded by a group of enemies.



 Selene was born to a Fighter turned assassin. She was found to have substantial hypnotic abilities about the age of 16, around the age of 27 she was targeted by an ancient vampire that wanted her power because he couldn't glamour her as easily as he could other humans this vampire was Krishna she ran into Valestat Blackwind while running from Krishna, and he helped her fight Krishna during the fight Krishna slashed her eye and mortally wounded her, but Selene’s pride would not let her fall, she begged Valestat to turn her so he got her to safety and did just that. They ended up beating Krishna then later Krishna turned good. So Now Selene Lives outside of Shadow Lake on the lake shore. She has found a way to use slain animal blood and a mixture of herbs to sustain her so she has no need to feed off humans; this is a fact that she holds very dear to her. Selene goes into Ancient Ruins all over Darkstone and finds ancient artifacts and relics and once she determines they are harmless she sells them, the dangerous, or mysterious ones are turned over to the crown, Namely King Demetri, another Blackwind that she has come accustomed to trusting.

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